Sunday 27 April 2014

Jambupathe Krithi Sahihya details

Now let us go to the song itself.


Jambupathe maam paahi
Nijanandamrita bodham dehi

Oh Jambupathe protect me( maam paahi)
Bodham – knowledge/understanding/perception
Dehi – self
Nijanandamrita – nija(true), aananda( bliss), amrita( nectar)
Give me the nectar like bliss of true knowledge


Ambujasanadi sakala deva namana
Tumburunatha hridaya Taaposamana
Ambudi ganga kaveri Yamuna
Kambhu kanthyakhilandeswari ramana

He is honoured by Brahma and other devas.

Ambujasanaadi – Brahma( Ambu- water; ambuja- that arising from water i.e. lotus; ambujasanaadi- one seated on a lotus i.e. Brahma)

Namana – salutations

Sakala deva – all devas

He mitigates the afflictions of Tumburu’s heart. Now who is this Tumburu? Tumburu, is believed to be the best among the gandharvas or celestial singers. He is supposed to have performed severe austerities and pleased Shiva who granted him his wishes( a horse face, immortality, liberty to travel the universe, skill in music and dance and the ability to reside and serve Shiva)

Taapa – warmth/heat/distress
Shamana – allaying/appeasing
 Nuta – commended/praised
Naatha – lord/master
Tumburunatha makes more sense. Tumburu’s master( Shiva) allays the distress of his heart( hridaya)
 He is like the great ocean and the rivers kaveri, ganga and Yamuna.
 Ambudhi- receptacle of waters/ocean
 He is the beloved of Akhilandeswari whose neck is as beautiful as a conch.
 Kambu – conch
 kaNThi is neck. 


Parvatajaprarthithaplinga vibho
 Parvat – mountains, parvataja – born of the mountains i.e. Parvati
 Prarthitha – beseeched /requested
 Apulinga – water linga

Blessed is the water linga Parvathi prayed to

Pancha buta maya prapancha prabho

Prapancha – manifestation

He is the Lord who manifests as the five elements

Sarvajiva dayakara Shambho

Sarvajiva – all living things( sarva + jeeva)

Dayakara – showing compassion

Shambho shows compassion to all living things

Saamajatavi nilaya svayambho

He manifests of his own accord in the forest inhabitated by the elephants

Samaja- elephant

Nilaya dwelling place

Swayambho – self manifestation

Again could the word be samajavana. Since vana means forest

Samajavana nilaya swayambho makes more sense

Sarva karuna sudhasindho

Sarva – all

Karuna – compassion

Sudha – nectar

Sindhu – ocean

He is the nectar like ocean of compassion for all
Again should it be sudhasindhu and not sudhasindho? ( Maybe just poetic licence)

Sharanagatha vatsalartha bandho

He provides succour to those who take refuge with him

Sharanagatha- one who comes for refuge/protection

Vatsala – kind/ loving

Bandhu – brother

He is a kind /loving brother to those who come to him for refuge

Anirvachaniya naada bindho

Vachanam – what we say

Anivarchanam – we cannot describe( indescribable)

Naada bindho

He is the indescribable naadha bindhu

Nitya mauli vidhrta gangendo

He holds the moon and ganga on his head
Nitya – daily/eternal

Mauli- head
Vidhrta – borne
 Gangendo – Ganga( but what word refers to moon?)

Nirvikalpa samaadhi nishta shiva kalpataro
Nirvikalpa- admitting no doubt/not wavering/without hesitation
Sammadhi – profound meditation/ union with the universal consciousness
Kalpataru- mythological wish fulfilling tree
Nishtha – steady.

He is steady, without hesitation and engaged in samaadhi. He is like the kalpataru

Nirviseshachaitanya niranjana guru guha guro
Nivishesha – Absolute/undiscriminating
Chaitanya – Intelligence/ Consciousness
Niranjana – spotless/pure/void of passion or emotion
He is the source/guru/preceptor of the absolute pure consciousness

The krithi, both in it’s raga and it’s kalapramana is indicative of fluidness and movement. It is prasa laden.

The pallavi has maam paahi and bodham dehi
The anupallavi has both dwitiya akshara prasa( ambu, tumbhu, ambu and kambu) and antim akshara praasa( namana, samana, Yamuna and ramana)

The charanam has antim akshara praasa through out( vibho, prabho, shambho,svayambho,sindho,bandho, bindo,gangendo, kalpataro and guruguhaguro)

The raga mudra appears in the anupallavi( Yamuna) and the vaggeyakara mudra( guruguha) in the very last word of the charanam.

It is my hope and desire that I can someday sing this krithi to both Dikshithar and Shambho’s satisfaction

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