Sunday 4 May 2014


Sri Kalahastisha

In this essay one will focus on the sthala which pertains to vayu or air.

This composition in Huseni is set to jhampa talam. Dikshithar has composed only one other krithi in this raga – paradevate bhaktha pujite in adi talam

While Huseni is a sampurna raga, it is a vakra janya of the 22th melakartha, Kharaharapriya . This is because of the vakra phrase pndns in the arohanam. It is also called Useni and allows for the sudha dhaivatam in the bashanga phrases like pdp and pndp

Before we go to the krithi, let us go to this particular sthala .

The Srikalahasti temple in the town of Srikalahasti is the only pancha buta sthala outside Tamil Nadu. It is located in Andhra Pradesh 36 km from Tirupati. It is said to be the site where Kannappa was ready to offer both his eyes to cover blood flowing from the Siva linga before the Lord Shiva stopped him and granted him mukthi.
This temple is also associated with Rahu and Ketu of the navagrahas and is called the Kailash of the South or Dakshin Kailash (this is referred to in the song also)

There is a lamp inside the inner sanctum that is constantly flickering despite the lack of air movement inside. The air-linga can be observed to move even when the priests close off the entrance to the main deity room, which does not have any windows. One can see the flames on several ghee lamps flicker as if blown by moving air. The linga is white and is considered swayambhu or self-manifested.
The main linga is untouched by human hands, even by the priest. Abhisheka (bathing) is done by pouring a mixture of water, milk, camphor, and panchamrita, sandal paste, flowers and the sacred thread are offered to the utsava-murti, not the main linga.

Srikalahasti is named after three devotees of Shiva – Sri( spider), Kala( snake) and Hasti( elephant). This story has already ben referred to in the jambupathe krithi, so we will not cover it again.
There are several other legends connected to the glory of the temple. Prominent among them is of Parvati who was cursed by Lord Shiva to discard her heavenly body and assume the human form. To get rid off the above curse Parvati did a long penance here. Pleased with her deep devotion Lord Shiva again restored her body – a hundred times better than her previous heavenly body and initiated various mantras including the Panchakshari. Consequent to this, Parvati gained and came to be known as Shiva-Gnanam Gnana Prasunamba or Gnana Prasunambika Devi. There is also a composition to her called Jnana prasunambike by Dikshithar in Kalyani
At Sri Kalahasti, Lord Shiva tested the unshakable devotion of Thinnadu (later became Bhaktha Kannappa) before the sages gathered at SriKalahasti. With his divine power, Lord Shiva created a tremor and the roof tops of the temple began to fall. All the sages ran away from the scene except Kannappa who covered the linga with his body to prevent it from any damage.
In another incident, Kannappa plucked out one of his eyes and placed iit n the eye of the Linga which was oozing with blood and tears. When the tears and the blood were still trickling from another eye, Kannappa decided to remove his second eye and placed one of his feet on the right eye of the Shiva Linga. Before he could pull out his second eye with the arrow, Lord Shiva appeared and restored his eye while granting him a boon to occupy a place close to him.
This is also a paadal petra sthalam . like all the pancha buta sthalas. I have not been able to find mention of a sthala vriksha for this temple

SrikAlahastIsha shritajanAvana
SamIrAkAra mAm pAhi rAjamoulI ehi
Shrita + jana + aavana =worship + public/common people + protector/preserver
The protector of people who worship him
Samir + kara = wind/air + to cause/to make /to do
Samirakara – he who causes the wind
Ehi – come near
So the translation would be
Srikalahastisha, you who protect those that worship you, you who cause the wind, oh rajamouli (lord/king) come near and protect me
PAkAri Vidhi Hari pranAmaya kOsAni
LAkAsha BhUmi salila agni prakAsha Shiva
Paka- Indra
Vidhi – Creator( Brahma)
Hari – Vishnu
Pranamaya – life force/vigorous breath
Kosha – sheath/pocket
A Kosha (also, Kosa)   - a sheath one of five coverings of the Atman or Self according to Vedantic philosophy. They are often visualised as the layers of an onion.
According to the Kosha system in Yogic philosophy, the nature of being human encompasses physical and psychological aspects that function as one holistic system. The Kosha system refers to these different aspects as layers of subjective experience. Layers range from the dense physical body to the more subtle levels of emotions, mind and spirit. Psychology refers to the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our being. Together, all aspects make up our subjective experience of being alive.[
The five sheaths (pancha-kosas) are alluded to in the fifteenth verse of Shankaras Atmabodha. From gross to fine they are:
1.    Annamaya kosha, appearance due foodstuffs-sheath (Anna)
2.    Pranamaya kosha, appearance due energies-sheath (Prana/apana)
3.    Manomaya kosha appearance due mind-stuff-sheath (Manas)
4.    Vijnanamaya kosha, appearance due wisdom-sheath (Vijnana)
5.    Anandamaya kosha, appearance due bliss-sheath (Ananda)

Pranamaya means composed of prana, the vital principle, the force that vitalizes and holds together the body and the mind. It pervades the whole organism, its one physical manifestation is the breath. As long as this vital principle exists in the organisms, life continues. Coupled with the five organs of action it forms the vital sheath. In the Vivekachudamani it is a modification of vayu or air, it enters into and comes out of the body.
You are the life force behind Indra, Brahma and Vishnu
Anila – God of Wind
Or Nila Akasha – blue sky
Bhumi Earth
Salila – water
Agni fire
Prakasha -  illuminate
Oh Shiva you illuminate the sky earth, water and earth
JnAna PrasUnambikApate
Jnana Prasunambike- Consort of Shiva at Srikalahasthi
Pate – Lord of
He is the Lord of Jnana Prasunambike
BhakthAbhimAna dakshina kailAsAbhIshtha
DAna chaturkarAbja dIna karunAnidhe
Bhaktha –Faithful/Devotees; Abhimaana – pride or the pride of your devotees
Dakshina Kailasha- another name for this place
Abhishtha –wished/desired
Dana – gift/donation/dispenser
Chatur –Four; Kara- hands; abja-lotus – your four lotus hands
Karuna-compasion; nidhe-treasure house; karunanidhe- you treasure house of compassion
You are ensconced in Dakshina Kailasha to the pride of your devotees. You are a treasure house of compassion and dispense the desired boons to the helpless with your four lotus hands
SUnanashara sUdana ajnAna hara
Soonashara- God of Love or Cupid/Madana
Sudana – killer/destroyer
Ajnana- Ignorance
Hara- destroyer
You killer/destroyer of Cupid and Ignorance. The story of Shiva reducing Madana to ashes is described in another krithi. We will not cover it again
Pasupate – You are the Lord of all living beings
JnAna guruguha
You took gnanopadesha from guruguha( muruga)
Legend goes that Muruga enslaved Brahma for not knowing the meaning of Om. With Bhrahma enslaved, all creation came to a stand still. The devas went to Shiva for help. Shiva went to Muruga and tried to reason with him. Muruga said that he knew the meaning of this and would explain it to Shiva but he would have to accept him as a guru. Shiva agreed( parents had trouble dealing with their offspring even in those times. The quickest way of achieving normalcy was to accede to their demands). So in Swamimalai, Muruga is  the guru who gave gnanopadesh or the meaning of the primordial pranava mantra to his own father Shiva
SachidAnandamaya mUrthe
Sat –truth/absolute being; Chit- consciousness; anandamaya- blissful
Satchdanandamaya – The universal spirit which is truth consciousness and bliss
Murthe- form/embodiment/manifestation
You are the manifestation of the universal spirit
HIna jAti kirAtakEn pUjita kIrthe
Hina jaati – low caste
Kirataken- of the kirata tribe
Pujita worshipped
Kirthi- glory/fame/renown
You are renowned for being worshipped by a low caste person of the kirata tribe( reference to Kannappa

It is prasa filled but maybe not as much as a krithi like jambupathe
The raga mudra  is embedded inside the word kosani( in the anupallavi )and the vaggeyakara mudra( guruguha) towards the end of the charanam.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Kiron. Apologies for delayed response.

  2. No words to explain how beneficial your blog is, Sir, for those attempting to know more about Dikshitar and his kritis
