Monday 29 March 2021

Shri Chakra

 Life, I believe is full of serendipity and hidden messages. We just need a certain level of awareness about it. More than eleven years back, I was at the consecration of the Linga Bhairavi temple at Isha. Almost since then, I have been wearing the Devi pendant and the other side has the Shri Chakra. I think I was not conscious about this till years later.

Anyway, what is the Shri Chakra, also called Shri Yantra. It is a device, a tool, a mechanism, a symbolisation used for worship of Shakthi or the source of all energy. It consists of nine interlocking triangles, four facing up and five down around a central Bindu.The circle represents eternal principles with no beginning or end. The triangles represent the triumvarate of creation, maintenance and destruction. Also refers to that which is threefold, the Devi, the yoni, or the symbol of creation. The triangles with the apex pointed up are indicative of aspirations rising from depths to heights. The triangles with the apex pointing down ar indicative of Shakthi's Grace. So a downward pointing triangle superimposed on an upward pointing one or a Satkona is symbolic of rising aspirations matched by a responding Grace. The lotus petals signify the unfolding of a being's latent potential.

These are very very brief explanations. There is enough information available for further study. A good place to begin is P R Krishnakumar's 1992 abstract on the same.

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